pictSQUARE is a virtual space.
It's a service where you can have a doujin exhibition sale.
Find out how to use it below.
To get started, create an account by entering the required information on the new member registration page.
To facilitate sales, preparation of an e-commerce service is required. By using pictSPACE, buyers can smoothly purchase products within the venue.
At the event venue, you can check menus at each circle (store) and make purchases and communicate about distributed items.
You can enjoy various features such as effects and avatar switching.
You can check your store's exterior and online shopping settings in advance. The contents of the test exhibit are invisible to other users.
In addition, when participating in the actual Event, you can use the "after-hours admission" function to set up and check the store before the Event starts.
Head to "Find Events" on your dashboard to find the Event you want to attend.
Events can also be found on the front page of pictSQUARE.
After checking the details of the Event and the Circle participation fee on the Event details page, click the "Apply for Circle participation" button to apply for Circle participation.
From the input screen, enter the required information.
The basic information includes.
Selecting the exhibition category.
・Circle name
・Circle description
・Store exterior image
・Circle cut image
・Menu image
The exhibition category differs depending on whether you use pictSPACE (online shopping site) or other online shopping sites.
For details, please refer to the help page below.
It will be posted on the "Circle Participation List" and the space sign at the Event venue.
It will be posted on the space sign of the Event venue.
Pay the Circle participation fee. Circle participation fees vary depending on the Event. We accept 2 payment methods: credit card and Paidy payment.
After applying for Circle participation, you can enter with "after-hours admission" for advance preparation before the Event starts. Check your store's exterior and online shopping settings in advance.
After-hours admission is available anytime from the time of application to the start of the Event.
To attract more customers, try setting up "store exterior image," "Circle cut," and "menu" if they are not already set.
To make a greater impression, create and set original avatars.
Check your Circle placement location from the "Circle Participation List" on the Event page, and announce it via SNS!
On the day of the Event, you can enter the venue from the Event page. Check Help for how to navigate etc.
Make sure your store properly appears.
You can change the setting during the Event, but please note that it will not be reflected on the other party in the store.
You can leave a message for the Circle owner on the message board. Messages can only be verified by the parties.
It serves as a bulletin board for the entire event.
Please use it for messages and such.
If installed at the venue, anyone can write and view messages.
You can also purchase Distributions at other Circle space. Let's take a look around the Event hall! *It will be purchased online.
When the Event ends, you will not be able to purchase Distributions, write on message boards or re-enter the venue.
You can check the messages written for your store from the message board. You can reply after the Event, so reply as needed.
To get started, create an account by entering the required information on the new member registration page.
Head to "Find Events" on your dashboard to find the Events you want to participate.
Events can also be found on the front page of pictSQUARE.
If you have already decided the Event you want to attend based on information from SNS, etc., please check the Event details page directly.
From the Event details page, check the date and time of the Event and the Circle participation list in advance.
On the date and time of the Event comes, you can enter the venue from the Event details page.
Before entering the event venue, it is also possible to provide Support Plus (donation) to the event organizer.
At the event venue, you can check menus at each circle (store) and make purchases and communicate about distributed items.
You can enjoy various features such as effects and avatar switching.
You can also purchase Distributions at Circle space. Let's take a look around the Event hall! *It will be purchased online.
You can leave a message addressed to the Circle owner on the message board. Messages can only be verified by the parties.
It serves as a bulletin board for the entire event.
Please use it for messages and such.
If installed at the venue, anyone can write and view messages.
At the end of the Event, you will not be able to purchase Distributions, write on message boards or re-enter the venue. Purchased Distributions will be delivered by mail at a later date.
To get started, create an account by entering the required information on the new member registration page.
Press the "Create New" button from "Event Management" in the "Organize Event" category of the dashboard.
"Event Management" also includes information about Events you have hosted in the past.
Enter the event title and description. The content can be changed later.
You can also use templates in the upper right corner of the event description to easily create the description.
Set keyword tags such as genre and character names.
It's used by participants to search for Events, so we recommend setting keyword tags as detailed as possible.
When you set a Password, a Password authentication screen is automatically generated. Viewers must enter a Password to view the information or participate in the Event.
If no Password is set, all users can view the information or participate in the Event.
Enter the date and time of the Event. Please specify a date after the closing date for Circle participation.
Next, set the start date and the closing date for Circle participation applications. Acceptance will stop automatically on the closing date for accepting Circle participation.
You can divide the Event hall in areas. Use this when you want to divide the area by CP or genre.
Up to 100 spaces can be placed in 1 area. If you divide an area into multiple areas, you can set the number of spaces for each area. (Maximum of 100 SP per area )
When a Circle participation application is received, the Organizers can choose to allocate space automatically or manually.
In the case of "Manually allocate spaces," please be very careful not to fail to allocate spaces for Circle participants.
Set the users who will pay the fees when participating in a circle.
Set the fee for circle participation.
For each circle participation, there will be a circle participation fee based on the event duration (less than 24 hours: 550 yen, less than 48 hours: 1000 yen, less than 72 hours: 1350 yen) or 30% of the larger amount between the circle participation fee and the system usage fee.
Once the setting is configured, the event can accept donations from participants.
Search engine exclusion setting.
You can choose whether to display the event on 「Fujoshi SNS - pictBLand」.
After entering the necessary information, click the "Create Event" button at the bottom to complete the process.
You are moving to the details page of the Event created in STEP 2 from "Event Management "in the dashboard.
Check the confirmation box in the "Status" tab, then select "Public Event" or "Secret Event."
If you make the Event public, it will be posted on the pictSQUARE portal site.
If you make the Event secret, it will not be displayed on the pictSQUARE portal and can only be accessed by those who know the URL of this Event.
Once the Event page is published, make an announcement via SNS. If you have an image or illustration that symbolizes the Event, it will be more effective in attracting customers.
The development of pictSQUARE began from the idea of holding a Doujin exhibition sale in a virtual space after Events being canceled or postponed due to the COVID-19.
It is currently available in beta and there are many shortcomings.
At pictSQUARE, we are committed to providing better services, and we believe we need to have a dialogue with everyone.
We have set up a window for direct communication between you and the administration via request forms, official Twitter, etc.
We would appreciate it if you could share your thoughts and opinions.